Permanent exhibitions

Salt Stories

Duration of the visit : 60 minutes Multilingual Disabled access

A summary of the role of salt in the lives of people

The Saline royale at Arc-et-Senans, a former salt factory, is now better known for the architecture of its buildings than for the industrial activity that led to its construction. This history of salt production, starting with the brine transported through underground pipes from Salins-les-Bains, is presented in the museum space in the “Director’s House”. In addition to this specific activity, a summary of the role of salt in the life of humans is also exhibited: origins, geography, exploitation methods, its essential role in taxation under the old regime, its symbolic and ritual role, its past and present uses, etc.

Take a leap through time thanks to augmented reality

The HistoPad, developed by the company Histovery, offers a completely new way of visiting the Saline royale using a touch-screen tablet. A 360° immersion in history and 3D interactive objects lets visitors imagine themselves in the Saline royale in the 18th century, to learn about the salt workers at the time when the factory was up and running. A treasure hunt, a histoselfie and an electronic visitor book complete the tour.

This digital tablet is included in the entry price and translated into 9 languages. It proposes several circuits, lasting from 1 hour 30 to 2 hours 30.