Permanent exhibitions

Site Memories

Duration of the visit : 60 minutes Multilingual Disabled access

"The Saline royale after the saltworks" - From 1895 to modern day

We know about the architectural masterpiece and its history as the Saline royale, but we know little about what happened after its closure in 1895. A series of unfinished projects ensued, there was the threat of disappearance, the possibility of it being used as a prison, etc., until its lengthy restoration began in the 1960s, crowned with its registration on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Today, it is a museum and a place of culture. Its adventure spanning over a century is related through an exhibition with testimonies and memories.

A new exhibition, “Site Memories”, is opening in 2022 on the subject of time. Interactive devices made with master watchmaker Philippe Lebru and Utinam will help provide a better understanding of the history of the Saline royale after salt production ended.