The Berne Est – a new cultural space

The recording studios

A space for creation and production that is one-of-a-kind in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

The Berne Est in the Saline royale is home to the Claude-Nicolas Ledoux performance and congress hall on the ground floor, and a set of recording studios upstairs, i.e. 800 sq. m that had not been in use since the building was created. These two large facilities were inaugurated in September 2023.


2 hours 40 from Paris, 2 hours from Lyon and 2 hours 20 from Geneva.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-20 à 08.29.26

4 studios and 6 rehearsal booths

The second floor of Berne Est accommodates :


• Four recording studios with one large 90 sq. m studio and three other studios of 60, 55 and 45 sq. m to record the master classes of the Saline royale Academy.


• Six rehearsal booths in which students can work individually, acoustically isolated and accompanied by a piano.


• Two technical rooms for the studios to record the master classes.


The first floor consists of artists’ dressing rooms, the production office and the offices of the technical teams and the Musicampus team.

Saline Royale academy HD Yoan Jeudy-113

An academic venue

The Musicampus company aims to create at the Saline royale of Arc-et-Senans an international centre for distance learning and digital music services for students, professionals and passionate music lovers, based on the preservation and dissemination of musical heritage in its pedagogical dimension: transmission from master to pupil.


All future master classes at the Saline royale Academy will be recorded in the second-floor studios and disseminated on the platform of the Saline royale Academy, with the aim of:

1 – Creating the most comprehensive and prestigious international catalogue of filmed master classes in classical and baroque music.

2 – Giving young musicians from all over the world the opportunity to achieve their dream and opening up their international career by following the lessons of the greatest music masters during academies at the Saline royale (France), and by having unrestricted access to first-class online music education.

3 – Protecting, in high definition, the exceptional heritage represented by the wealth and diversity of the musical teachings and techniques of the greatest masters, in the face of standardisation of playing and styles.

OFJ 2023

A workspace for the Orchestre Français des Jeunes

During the summer and autumn residencies of the Orchestre Français des Jeunes at the Saline royale, the studios and rehearsal booths are real workspaces for the young musicians from the OFJ.


In coaching and rehearsal rooms arranged by instrument family, musicians prepare for chamber and symphonic concerts in a studious and private atmosphere.